390 Moncada Way, S.F. CA 94127
(415) 334-6577 


Who Killed Sylvia Plath

Winner: Marshstream International Solo Festival, 2020

Production: MarshSF and MarshBerkeley 2019, 2020


William Blake in Hollywood

Winner: Neil Simon Festival New Play Award, Cedar City, Utah, July 2017

Staged reading: Cedar City, Utah, July 2017

Production: Cedar City, Utah, July 2018


Sex Scandal

Production: Unscripted Theatre, S.F. April 2018


Two Minds

Staged Reading: The Marsh, S.F. June 2017

Production: The Marsh, May 2018


Painting America

Book: Lynne Kaufman

Music and Lyrics: Alex Mandel

Artists Retreat: Theatreworks, June, 2014

Staged Reading: Theatreworks, New Works Festival, August 2014


Acid Test

Production: The Marsh Berkeley, Oct 2012-Feb 2013

Production: The Marsh San Francisco, April-May 2013, Sept.-October, 2013.

Production: Vantage Theatre, San Diego

Staged readings: The William Inge Theatre Festival 2010: playwright in residence; Throckmorton Theatre, Mill Valley, CA, North Coast Repertory Theatre, The New York Open Center.  



Writer's Digest Competition 2010 :4th place winner stage play

Staged reading: Throckmorton Theatre, Mill Valley, CA


Filthy Rich:The Atonement of Bernie Madoff

Staged readings: Celebrity Reading Series, L.A.,Throckmorton Theatre, Mill Valley,CA


Magician's Choice

Staged readings: Abingdon Theatre, N.Y.C., Magic Theatre,S.F, William Inge Theatre Festival, Independence, Kansas.


Daisy in the Dreamtime

Production: The Fountain Theatre, L.A

Production: Golden Fish Theatre,Seattle

Production: The Abingdon Theatre, N.Y.C

Production: Echo Theatre, Dallas

Production: San Francisco State University

Awards: Otis Guernsey New Voices Playwriting Award William Inge Theatre Festival, Rella Lossy Playwright's Award, S.F. State University ,University Audrey Skirball-Kennis Play Development Award

Full developmental residency: The New Harmony Project, Indiana

Staged readings: S.F.,Washington,D.C., N.Y., Sarasota.

Published: Women Playwrights: Best New Plays: Smith and Krause, Dramatic Publishing



(Musical with composer Billy Philadelphia) Workshop Theatreworks, Festival of New Plays, Palo Alto, Staged reading ODC theatre


The Next Marilyn

Production: Florida Studio Theatre

Staged Reading: Playbrokers,S.F., Abingdon Theatre

Workshop production: Florida Studio Theatre Festival of New Plays


The Last Game Show

Production: Horizons Theatre, D.C.

Staged Readings: Marin Theatre Company , Jewish Women's Playwright Festival, L.A.



Production: Florida Studio Theatre

Film Option: 20th Century Fox, Good Machine

Screen Treatment Option: Jean Doumanian Productions



Production: Theatre Artists of Marin

Playwright's Residency: Djerassi Foundation


Shooting Simone

Production: Actors Theatre of Louisville, Humana Festival

Production: Florida Studio Theatre

Production: Contemporary American Theatre Festival

Production: Walnut Street Theatre

Production: Theatre Conspiracy

Published: Humana Festival: Smith and Kraus, Dramatic Publishing


Our Lady of the Desert

Production: Theatreworks, CA.

Production: Mendocino Theatre Company, CA.

Staged Reading: Oregon Shakespeare Festival

Award: Winner, Theatreworks Contest, Best New Play in California


Speaking In Tongues

Production: Magic Theatre

Production: North Coast Repertory

Production: Cast Theatre, L.A.

Award: Winner of the Kennedy Center/ NEA/ New American Plays Award


The Couch

Production: Magic Theatre

Production: North Coast Repertory

Production: Fountain Theatre

Production: 3GirlsTheatre

Published: Dramatists Play Service

Awards: Best New Play: Dramalog, Bay Area Critics' Circle, S.F.Chronicle, The Will Glickman Award



 Slow Hands

Mira Books. Film option by Maverick Productions.


Wild Women's Weekend

Mira Books


Taking Flight

Mira Books



Short Stories

Redbook, Cosmopolitan, Good HouseKeeping, Women's Day



Writing workshops: U.C. Berkeley Extension, U.C.Berkeley Osher Lifelong Living Institute, S.F. State University Osher Lifelong Living Institute, Esalen Institute, Omega Institute


Dramatic Representation

Selma Luttinger, Robert Freedman Dramatic Agency, Inc. 1501 Broadway, Suite 2310, N.Y. N.Y. 10036, phone: 212 840- 5765. Fax: 212 840-5776